8 quick tips for overcoming writer’s block

8 quick tips for overcoming writer’s block

Writer’s block. Anyone who has ever consistently put out content for the world to see has experienced it. Especially those who are in marketing.  If you’re a copywriter or business owner who writes your own digital marketing content, you know what I’m talking about....
6 ways to make a customer-centric site

6 ways to make a customer-centric site

Picture this: You meet a business owner and ask him what his business does. He proceeds to tell you about his company’s history, values, awards, and milestones — for five minutes straight. While that information isn’t bad, it’s just not the answer you wanted. You were...
7 attention-grabbing tips for your site

7 attention-grabbing tips for your site

Eight seconds. That’s about how long you have to capture a visitor’s attention. So if people can’t tell what you can do to help them within 8 seconds, they may go elsewhere, which isn’t great for your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) or bounce rate....
How can I use my website to start a conversation?

How can I use my website to start a conversation?

Relationships are the most important part of the sales cycle. But how do you build relationships when you can’t meet with people face-to-face? Answer: Use your website. Your site should be a place where people can create a relationship with your content. But in order...