What would happen if you used 10 hooks when fishing? 

You probably wouldn’t catch any fish, and if you did, it wouldn’t be a pretty sight.

It’s obvious that using 10 hooks when fishing wouldn’t work, but it’s easy to do something similar with our brands.

Too often, we try to land new clients by using too many hooks.

Except instead of metal hooks, we use problems that act like hooks.

We want potential clients to know all the problems we solve. So we put each problem front-and-center on our homepage.

And we mention all those problems when we’re at a networking event.

And in each email we send.

Each time we mention a problem, we’re setting a hook. Because the problem is often the thing that hooks the audience and draws them in.

So, when we use 10 hooks to try to catch someone’s attention, we’re going to be ineffective.

Here’s the solution:

Pick one problem that you solve. Then really put your focus on that. 

Make it an overarching problem that covers a bunch of smaller problems.

But don’t overthink it.

Just ask yourself: What do my customers want and what’s getting in the way of them getting what they want?

The answer to that is the problem you solve.

Then put that problem wherever you were setting your hooks before. 

Easier said than done, right?

Defining the problem you solve is something I help my clients figure out.

Hop on my calendar and let’s see if we can work together.

Book a call with me.

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